
This document describes the configuration file and its relationship with the command line interface flags.

The configuration file uses TOML. See the config examples for a quick feeling.


The flags have more precedence than the configuration file so you can use a configuration file to set the defaults you please and tweak ad-hoc situations via flags.

For example, given the following configuration file:

# mm-config.toml
port = 8099
host = ""
verbose = 0
source-dir = "./rulesets"

You would use it normally as:

mastermind --config mm-config.toml

Which would set a proxy running on loading rulesets from ./rulesets.

Then, you can change the port and verbosity with:

mastermind --config mm-config.toml --port 9900 -vvv

Which would set the proxy on with verbosity 3 (debug).


Below you will find all of them with its equivalent flag.

core section

  • host (--host): The proxy host. Defaults to
  • port (--port): The proxy port. Defaults to 8080.
  • verbose (--verbose): The logging verbosity. Defaults to 2. If bigger than 3it enables verbosity in mitm.
  • quiet (--quiet): Equivalent to verbose = 0.
  • source-dir (--source-dir): The directory where Mastermind will check for rulesets.

os section

  • proxy-settings (--without-proxy-settings): Enable/disable the operating system proxy settings (OSX only). Defaults to true.